Management Team

Mr. Shailendra Singh



Mechanical Engineer by profession and with more than 20 years of experience in recruitment service sector, Mr. Singh leads Rolex Manpower with his active participation and guidance. His technical expertise and vast experience in this sector gives our company an edge and inspires the whole team of Rolex Manpower to work with dedication, commitment and complete sincerity

Subash Chandra Shrestha

Overseas Director


Coming from the business background and being proactive, innovative thinker, Rolex Manpower has greatly benefitted from the Mr. Shrestha's passion, dedication and emphasis on Quality Service and Brand Value. He has 15 years of experience in recruitment sector and currently heads our Overseas Operations.


Narendra Bahadur Saud

Finance and Administrative Director

Mr. Saud has more than 15 years of experience in hospitality and recruitment agency. He understands the nitty-gritty required for smooth running of operations and bring strings of enthusiasm. Being from the TATA's Tulec has equipped him to update with latest trends in the IT industry and he has been strong advocator of IT as supporting tool.

Jana Jyoti Aryal

Recruitment Manager


Jana Jyoti Aryal manages our recruitment process with sharp focus on maintaining and enhancing professional approach in overall recruitment process. With background of Masters in Economics and over 15 years of experience, Mr. Aryal is a valuable member organization. He continues to strive in finding right candidate for right job rather than right for job for any candidate, thus by maintaining our brand motto of “competency blended with quality”.